Difference Between DSSC,PMA Long Course and PMA Graduate Course By Issb Materials

 Here i will Share some difference between Graduate Course, PMA LCand DSSC for 14 years and 16 years Graduates..

1.DSSC(Direct Short Service Commission)

1. After 16 years of Education you are eligible to apply for DSSC.

2.Trainning duration 6 months and rank awarded Captain.

3.Commission Type Short Service Commission.

4. You can avail your 3rd Chance after Twice not Recommendation.

5. Age limit 28 years.

6. You will posted in supporting unit depending on subject in which you are Graduated.

7. ICTOS,AEC,EME,Psychologist,Corps of Ordananace,Remount of Vetrinary etc Fall in this Category.

2.PMA Graduate Course

1. After 14 years of Education or 16 years of Education you are eligible for PMA Graduate Course.

2. Type of Commission Permanant

3. Trainning Duration 1 year and Rank awarded 2nd lieutanant.

4. You are allocated any Unit fighting or Supporting Arms.

5. Age limit 25 years.

6. Twice Not Recommended Candidates are Ineligible to apply.

7. PMA Graduate Course is a special Course and Only announced if there is any shortage of Officers or not.

8. PMA Graduate Course is not announced on Regular basis.

3. PMA Long Course

1. After 14 years of Education or 16 years of Education you are eligible for PMA Long Course.

2. Type of Commission Permanant

3. Trainning Duration 2 year and Rank awarded 2nd lieutanant.

4. You are allocated any Unit fighting or Supporting Arms.

5. Age limit 23 years for 14 years Education and 24 years for 16 years Graduates.

6. Twice Not Recommended Candidates are Ineligible to apply.

7. PMA Long Course is a regular Commission and announced twice in a year.

I hope it will clear your Concepts..

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